Analítica e Indústria
Ciências da Vida
Espectrometro ICP Massa NEXION 5000Perkin ElmerEspectrómetro de Massa acoplado a plasma indutivo incluindo sistema de introdução de amostra, nebulizador, câmara de mistura, torcha, sistema de controlo de gás, gerador de RF, Sistema de vácuo, Analisador quadrupolo, detector software (ICP-MS)
Analisador mecanizado dinâmico DMA 8000PerkinElmerO DMA 8000 é flexível e economico. Com um design inovador, alta funcionalidade e uma operação flexível, torna-se no equipamento ideal para pesquisas avançadas e testes de qualidade de rotina, nas indústrias de polímeros, compostos, farmacêuticos e alimentícios.
Analisador Termogravimétrico TGA 8000PerkinElmerO analisador TGA 8000 oferece um controle total sobre o ambiente da amostra, elevada produtividade e fiabilidade. A avançada tecnologia de hifenização, funciona perfeitamente com FT-IR, MS, GC-MS para uma melhor compreensão dos gases envolvidos.
Analise Térmica-calorimetria de varrimento diferencial 6000 (DSC)PerkinElmerO DSC 6000 com um forno único, proporciona-lha muito mais. Agora pode ter pode ter uma tecnologia de temperatura modular DSC (MTC-DSC), para uma interpretação mais simples dos dados e novas capacidades para o desenvolvimento de produtos e resolução de problemas.
Amostrador automático Headspace TurboMatrix HS40PerkinElmerAmostrador automático Headspace, que envolve uma extração sem solventes de compostos voláteis, e é uma técnica fundamental que elemina as etapas demoradas e o risco do erro humano associado a outro GC, na preparação de amostras.
GC -MS Clarus SQ 8CPerkinElmerO novo Clarus SQ 8 GC/MS oferece uma sensibilidade e estabilidades incomparáveis, para a identificação e quantificação de compostos voláteis e semi-voláteis (VOC e SVOC). É um equipamento projetado para lhe oferecer rendimento, fiabilidade consistente e ótimos resultados.
Refrigeradores Água H150-2100NSLabTechA linha de refrigeradores de água LabTech é especialmente projetada para uso analítico, médico e industrial, proporcionando um controle preciso da temperatura. Ao adaptar novas tecnologias e inovações para manter o nível de fiabilidade superior, todas as etapas de produção estão focadas em oferecer soluções de alta qualidade e personalizadas para atender a qualquer necessidade.
Incubadora INCUCELLMMMA linha de estufas Incucell, é adequada a um tratamento seguro de culturas microbiológicas. Não produz ruido e fornece um fluxo de ar suave dentro da camara. Especialmente utilizada em laboratórios biológicos e microbiológicos, testes de qualidade na indústria farmacêutica, cosmética, veterinária e alimentar.
Incubadora VACUCELLMMMA linha de estufas Vacucell, com secagem a vácuo e possibilidade da extração de ar através de um gás inerte, pode ser utilizada não só para substâncias sensíveis ao calor e á oxidação, como os pós e granulados, mas também para peças com aberturas e roscas de difícil acesso.
Dispensador para frascos Calibrex 525SocorexOs dispensadores para frascos da gama Calibrex, incluem um embolo de vidro fosco ou de cerâmica, adequado para soluções orgânicas, de bases e de ácidos, que não cristalizam. Pode ser instalado na maioria dos frascos de reagentes, permitindo uma distribuição segura e reproduzível de volumes entre o 1 a 100 ml.
Agitador magnético digital com aquecimento MULTI-HS 6/15VelpOs agitadores da serie MULTI-HS digital, possuem uma placa de alumínio coberta de cerâmica, que garante a homogeneidade de temperatura. Os potentes motores, proporcionam uma agitação de 100 a 1000rpm, a uma velocidade constante.
Extrator Automático de Solventes-SER 158VelpO extractor de solventes SER 158 fornece resultados precisos, melhorando o processo de extração em comparação com o método Soxhlet. Totalmente automatizado , com elevado rendimento da amostra, oferece uma tecnologia de ponta para as suas determinações.
Colorímetro PFXi-195Lovibond/TintometerO colorimetro PFXi introduz um novo conceito no controle de cor em líquidos: a RCMDi. Este conceito permite a calibração e serviço remotos, o que poupa tempo e custos. A gama incluída no PFXi possibilita a sua utilização em mercados como petróleo, farmacêuticos, mel, óleos, etc.
Medidor da carência Química de oxigénio CQOLovibond/TintometerA estação de medição CSB permite uma análise fotométrica precisa da água, em mg/l de O2, de um modo simples e rápido. As estações de medição incluem um fotómetro, 25 testes em tubos, um reator para digestão das amostras e um suporte dos tubos.
PerkinElmer (Perten)- DA 7440 NIR em linhaPerkinElmerO DA 7440 é um sensor NIR avançado em linha, para medições diretas na correia de transporte de produtos. Realiza medições de vários constituintes em tempo real, fornecendo informações para o controle do processo e monitorização da qualidade.
Sistema Elisa automatizado Solus DS2PerkinElmer (Solus)O sistema DS2 permite a automatização de todos os processos envolvidos, na utilização dos Kits Solus. Pode processar 192 amostras em simultâneo, sem a intervenção do utilizador após a configuração e processar até 600 amostras em apena 8H.
Cromatografia Gasosa (GC) Clarus 590 e 690PerkinElmer (solus)Os GC Clarus 590 e 690, são equipamentos com elevada capacidade e performance, o que se reflete numa maior sensibilidade e rendimento, atendendo novo injetor capilar e um detetor de ionização de chama (FID) de largo alcance.
Espectrofotómetro de Absorção Atómica PinAAcle 900ZPerkinElmerO PinnAAcle 900Z é um espectrofotómetro de absorção Atómica de elevado desempenho, somente com forno de sistema Zeeman longitudinal, com um verdadeiro feixe duplo, para uma rápida inicialização e uma estabilidade excecional a longo prazo.
Espectrofotómetro Fluorescência FL 6500 com software Spectrum FLPerkinElmerO FL6500 usa acessórios intercambiáveis plug-and-play, software intuitivo que reflexe o fluxo de trabalho do seu laboratório e garante que as normas standard de conformidade sejam cumpridas, quer utilize uma lâmpada pulsada ou um feixe continuo.
Espectrofotómetro Spectrum FT-NIR 2 NPerkinElmerO Spectrum 2N, é uma plataforma FT-NIR de alto desempenho, sendo no entanto robusta e transportável, permitindo analises simples e fiáveis de NIR. É o sistema perfeito para laboratórios que necessitam combinar um desempenho sofisticado com um equipamento portátil.
Espectrofotómetro UV-VIS-NIR Lambda 1050+PerkinElmerO espectrofotómetro UV-VIS-NIR Lambda 1050+, oferece um elevado desempenho para analisar uma ampla variedade de amostras como sejam as de revestimentos, painéis solares, vidro de alto desempenho, materiais e componentes avançados quer na investigação como na fabricação.
Espectrofotómetro de Emissão ótica ICP Avio 200PerkinElmerO Avio 200 é um ICP-OES compacto, com um design de plasma vertical e uma série de recursos exclusivos de hardware, para poder lidar com amostras mais difíceis e matrizes complexas sem diluição. Um maior desempenho e flexibilidade no seu ICP.
Espectrómetro portátil Explorer 3000SkyrayO Explorer XRF apresenta o software inteligente mais recente da Skyray, tornando o espectrômetro portátil de fluorescência de raios X tão fácil quanto os aparelhos do dia a dia. Desempenho e precisão de um Espectrômetro de Fluorescência de Raio-X de Mesa ,combinado com conveniência e o tamanho de um XRF Portátil
Viscosímetro em Linha RM 100 LLamy RheologyA medição da viscosidade on-line do RM 100 L, permite um controle continuo para poder agir rapidamente no decurso da produção. Qualquer que seja o caudal, a viscosidade ou o diâmetro do seu tubo, este viscosímetro poderá adaptar-se, garantindo-lhe uma medição de acordo com as normas do laboratório.
Sensores de oxigénio dissolvido ópticosMettler Toledo ProcessOs sensores ópticos de oxigênio dissolvido da METTLER TOLEDO oferecem medição de O₂ altamente precisa, com uma estabilidade do sinal aprimorada e um tempo de resposta rápido. Uma medição precisa é alcançada por meio da tecnologia de atenuação de fluorescência.
TOC On-Line 6000TOCiMettler Toledo ProcessO analisador 6000TOCi fornece medições rápidas e contínuas dos níveis de TOC no seu sistema de água. Os seus dados confiáveis, demonstram a conformidade em sistemas de águas farmacêuticas. O sensor de alto desempenho com dados em tempo real, diagnósticos internos e relatórios.
Bomba distribuidora para preparação de meios de cultura FlexiPump ProInterscienceO FlexiPump Pro é uma bomba peristáltica com elevada precisão para a distribuição de meios de cultura, ágar e de qualquer tipo de diluente. Compacto e ergonômico, é fornecido com uma interface simples. A rastreabilidade é garantida pela impressora e pela ligação USB.
Contador de colónias Scan 4000InterscienceO Scan 400 é um contador automático de colónias através de cores HD. Adapta-se a todos os tamanhos de placas de Petri e a qualquer meio de cultura. O sistema de iluminação indireta oferece conforto ao utilizador, alta precisão e excelente reprodutibilidade.
Diluidor e distribuidor automático easySpiral DiluteInterscienceO easySpiral Dilute é um diluidor e distribuidor automático em placas de Petri. Permite séries de 1/10 diluições e a distribuição de até 6 posições numa única placa de Petri. Para uma amostra de 30 a 1 x 1012 bactérias, todo o sistema é automático.
Titulador de humidade colorimétrico Karl Fischer MKC-710MKEMAmostrador automático de humidade Karl Fischer MKC-710M, com um intuitivo ecrã touch, com a possibilidade de 4 medições em simultâneo e a ligação até 4 tituladores. O AT-710B, MKV-710B ou MKH-710 / 2nd Hybrid ou Karl-Fischer MKC-710B.
Titulador Karl Fisher Volumétrico de humidade MKV-710MKEMAmostrador automático de humidade Karl Fischer MKV-710M, com um intuitivo ecrã touch, com a possibilidade de 4 medições em simultâneo e a ligação até 4 tituladores. O AT-710B, MKC-710B ou MKH-710 / 2nd Hybrid ou Karl-Fischer MKV-710B.
Fermentador/ Biorreator Industrial Serie MSolaris Biotech SolutionsA série M é constituída por fermentadores/biorreatores SIP padrão, disponíveis em 6 volumes diferentes de 30 a 200L. As suas aplicações são: pequenas e grandes indústrias, biofarmaceutica, biocombustíveis indústria alimentar, bioremediação.
AutoDELFIA®RevvityAutoDELFIA® immunoassay system for prenatal screening is supported by the widest available range of prenatal analytes available on any platform. Reliable and easy to use AutoDELFIA instrument offers high quality results both for aneuploidy and pre-eclampsia risk assessment during pregnancy.
GSP® InstrumentRevvityThe instrument is fully automated, performing every stage of an assay from retrieval of the sample plate from the stacker to measurement and reporting of results. Genetic Screening Processor utilizes specific GSP Workstation software for handling of the newborn screening data.
Newborn ScreeningRevvityUse the highest quality reagents available today to screen for core newborn disorders as well as those detected by expanded screening. Our reagents are the industry standard for analytical performance and reliability in detecting congenital diseases that are treatable only when identified during the first days of life.
Vanadis NIPT systemRevvityBased on a breakthrough in advanced genetic analytics, Vanadis® NIPT system is the only NIPT screening platform to enable targeted cfDNA analysis without next-generation sequencing or PCR, instead directly capturing target fragments and labeling them for counting. A proprietary nanofilter plate then captures labeled molecules for imaging, eliminating the need for data-intensive steps such as DNA sequencing, microarrays, and microfluidics.
Pre-Eclampsia Screening and Prenatal ImmunoassaysRevvityPerkinElmer offers a comprehensive range of prenatal and pre-eclampsia assays with high analytical sensitivity of the DELFIA® chemistry. The samples can be processed with three different instruments: random access, batch processing or semi-automatic. PerkinElmer offers complete systems to monitor health during pregnancy including assays, instruments and software. Get the high sensitivity of DELFIA® chemistry in our prenatal and pre-eclampsia assays.
Azure 200 - Gel Imaging WorkstationAZURE BiosystemsEasily image DNA and protein gels images without a darkroom with the Azure 200. Use your choice of dyes or stains and the system automatically selects the light source and filters for you—UV for Ethidium bromide-stained DNA gels, blue light for SYBR®Safe or similar dyes, white light for Silver stain or Coumassie Blue.
Azure 400AZURE BiosystemsThe Azure 400 is a visibly better visible fluorescent imaging system that can also perform chemiluminescent detection at the same sensitivity as film. With three-channel RGB excitation for Cy5/Cy3/Cy2 fluorescent Western blot applications, you can quantify three proteins on a single blot (or two proteins and a loading control) without stripping and re-probing.
Azure 500AZURE BiosystemsTwo-channel NIR fluorescent detection enables multiplex Western blotting for more efficient experiments. Image and quantify two different proteins without needing to strip and re-probe your blot. Highly sensitive chemiluminescent detection delivers film-levels of performance without the time-consuming hassles and inconveniences of the darkroom.
Azure 600AZURE BiosystemsYour Western blot method shouldn’t be limited by your imaging system, and with the Azure 600 it’s not. Fluorescent detection offers excellent quantitation and multiplex capability. Chemiluminescent detection delivers the ultimate sensitivity for imaging low abundance proteins. Azure’s 600 offers both. Azure Biosystems doesn’t restrict your choice of reagents, either. With no proprietary stains or dyes, you get the freedom to capture data any way you want.
Sapphire Biomolecular ImagerAZURE BiosystemsThe Sapphire Biomolecular Imager is a next generation laser scanning system that provides you with exceptional data quality through extremely sensitive detection, ultra high resolution and broad linear dynamic range. This system supports long and short wavelengths of near infrared fluorescence (NIR), red/green/blue (RGB) imaging, chemiluminescent imaging, phosphor imaging as well as optical densitometry (OD) of proteins in stained gels
LabChip GXII Touch HT Protein Characterization SystemRevvityThe LabChip® GXII Touch™ protein characterization system provides the complete solution for reproducible quantitation, molecular weight sizing and percent purity analysis of protein samples. Leveraging microfluidic electrophoretic separation technology, the LabChip® GXII Touch™ system enables rapid characterization with minimal sample preparation setup and sample input volume.
Protein Clear™ HR Reagent KitRevvityThe LabChip® GXII Touch microfluidics Protein Clear HR assay provides rapid (65 seconds/ sample) high-resolution protein purity analysis for monoclonal antibody (mAb) process development formulation, stability and manufacturing quality control. Enabling the detection and visualization of impurities within a sample, down to 5 ng/µL .
Protein Pico Assay Reagent KitRevvityThe Revvity LabChip Pico Protein reagent provides a fast and easy way to analyze protein samples between 14-200 kDa requiring sensitivity equivalent to Silver Stain levels. Protein detection for concentrations as low as 10 pg/ul, with a linear dynamic range of four orders of magnitude.
ProteinEXact Assay Reagent KitRevvityThe LabChip® GXII Touch Capillary Electrophoresis System utilizes a microfluidic chip to rapidly characterize protein samples from 24-, 96- or 384-well plates. The technology automatically stains distains, electrophoretically separates and analyzes the protein samples. Use the system software to automatically analyze data which is immediately available for review or reporting in virtual gel, electropherogram graph or table summary form.
JANUS® G3 Blood iQ™ WorkstationRevvityRevvity understands that centralized biobanking facilities face demanding challenges to setup an efficient and scalable workflow for storage and processing of biological specimens. These challenges include: the blood fractionation process, quality control, and sample preparation for genetic analysis. The new JANUS® G3 Blood iQ™ workstation is the first step in a seamless, efficient, and traceable workflow for the genetic analysis of cfDNA, cfRNA, and genomic DNA from fractionated blood.
JANUS® G3 NGS Express WorkstationRevvityThe JANUS® G3 NGS Express™ workstation is a benchtop platform designed to simplify and reduce errors in low-to-moderate throughput NGS library construction. It uses an intuitive interface to guide users through protocol selection and deck setup, as well as, displays in-run status and details. An optional enclosure not only helps to minimize sample contamination, but the easy to read status lights provide visual feedback for true walkaway sample preparation.
Sciclone® G3 NGSx iQ WorkstationsRevvitySciclone® G3 NGSx iQ™ workstation provides unattended automation of even the most complex NGS library construction workflows. The thoughtful collection of high capacity tip storage, on-deck thermal accessories, and highly reproducible liquid transfer technology assures the construction of high-quality NGS libraries from DNA or RNA. The library of validated methods for NGS library construction ensures rapid set up.
Sciclone® G3 NGSx WorkstationsRevvityNext generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are enabling science at unprecedented rates. As the cost of sequencing declines, throughput continues to increase and the number of applications for which sequencing data can be used is expanding. The Sciclone® G3 NGSx liquid handling workstations is designed for high throughput, walkaway NGS library preparation. The deck design and intuitive interface virtually eliminate cross contamination and user error. This liquid handlers simplify the construction of up to or greater than 96 libraries per day.
Zephyr® G3 NGS WorkstationRevvityThe Zephyr® G3 NGS workstation is a benchtop liquid handler designed to automate the construction of 48 to 96 next generation sequencing (NGS) libraries per day. The simplified user-interface and integrated hardware maximize laboratory productivity while reducing variability resulting from manual pipetting.
VarSome ClinicalVarSome ClinicalVarSome Clinical is a CE IVD-certified and HIPAA-compliant platform allowing fast and accurate variant discovery, annotation, and interpretation of NGS data for whole genomes, exomes, and gene panels. VarSome Clinical helps molecular geneticists and clinicians increase the diagnostic yield and support treatment decisions for genetic conditions.
Columbus Plus Image Data Storage and Analysis SystemRevvityColumbus™ Image Data Storage and Analysis system is an instrument agnostic image analysis and management platform. The Columbus system is the only system that provides universal high-volume image data storage and analysis and brings access to images from a wide range of sources including all major high content screening instruments.
Opera Phenix High-Content Screening SystemRevvityThe Opera Phenix™ High Content Screening System is the premier confocal solution for today's most demanding high content applications. Drawing on over a decade of experience with the industry-leading Opera® High Content Screening System, the Opera Phenix is designed for high-throughput, phenotypic screening and assays involving complex disease models, such as live cells, primary cells and microtissues.
Operetta CLS High-Content Analysis SystemRevvityUncover deep biological understanding in your everyday assays and innovative applications using the Operetta CLS™ high-content analysis system. Featuring a unique combination of technologies, the system delivers all the speed, sensitivity and resolution you need to reveal fine sub-cellular details. And with our simple, powerful Harmony 4.5 software, Operetta CLS™ lets you find even subtle phenotypic changes.
BioXp™ 3250 systemTelesis BioSay hello to the BioXp™ 3200 system, and say goodbye to waiting weeks for service labs or synthesizing genes on the bench. Builds up to 32 complex constructs from 300 bp to 3600 bp with multiple fragments and vectors overnight. Bypass plasmid preps and synthesize transfection-ready DNA quantities of ~10 μg. The BioXp™ 3200 system allows you to eliminate cloning and synthesize de novo gene constructs with sequence modifications to address specific clinical needs. The system streamlines clinical research and allows for distributed manufacturing of personalized therapies.
MicroBeta2 microplate countersRevvityThe MicroBeta2 System provides advanced radiometric and luminescent detection abilities for GPCRs, kinases, reporter gene assays, and traditional liquid scintillation counting. Providing coincidence counting, a unique patented configuration with two photomultiplier tubes that simultaneously detect signal, the MicroBeta2 System ensures high efficiency and extremely low background for a variety of radionuclides. The MicroBeta2 System features time-resolved liquid scintillation counting (TR-LSC), delivering improved counting performance for opaque plates where traditional coincidence counting isn't possible.
TRI-CARB 4910TR 110 V Liquid Scintillation CounterRevvityThe Tri-Carb 4910TR liquid scintillation counter provides the popular standard features needed for research applications and the versatility to expand for environmental analysis with the optional ultralow-level and alpha/beta discrimination features.
Cas9 Nuclease protein NLSDiagenodeUse highly purified Cas9 Nuclease protein NLS for efficient targeted double-stranded DNA cleavage. The N-terminal and C-terminal Nuclear Localization Signal (NLS) of the protein enable rapid nucleus delivery. Cas9 Nuclease protein NLS and guide RNA (user-supplied) form a complex that specifically cleaves double-stranded DNA.
ChIP-grade antibodiesDiagenodeChromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a technique to study the associations of proteins with the specific genomic regions in intact cells. One of the most important steps of this protocol is the immunoprecipitation of targeted protein using the antibody specifically recognizing it. The quality of antibodies used in ChIP is essential for the success of the experiment. Diagenode offers extensively validated ChIP-grade antibodies, confirmed for their specificity, and high level of performance in ChIP. Each batch is validated, and batch-specific data are available on the website.
ChIP-seq grade antibodiesDiagenodeDiagenode provides leading solutions for epigenetic research. Because ChIP-seq is a widely-used technique, we validate our antibodies in ChIP and ChIP-seq experiments (in addition to conventional methods like Western blot, Dot blot, ELISA, and immunofluorescence) to provide the highest quality antibody. We standardize our validation and production to guarantee high product quality without technical bias. Diagenode guarantees ChIP-seq grade antibody performance under our suggested conditions.
pA-Tn5 Transposase - loadedDiagenodepA-Tn5 transposase is a fusion protein of hyperactive Tn5 transposase and protein A developed for the CUT&Tag assay. For convenience, the fusion protein is pre-loaded with sequencing adapters. As it is crucial to target only the protein of interest, a highly specific antibody is critical for the success of the CUT&Tag assay. All Diagenode ChIP-seq grade antibodies are validated for specificity using strict validation criteria to assure high performance in CUT&Tag.
pA-Tn5 Transposase - unloadedDiagenodepA-Tn5 Transposase is a fusion protein of hyperactive Tn5 transposase and protein A developed for the CUT&Tag assay. For flexibility, the fusion protein is not pre-loaded with sequencing adapters. Please follow the recommended assembly protocol prior to use in CUT&Tag or similar assays. As it is crucial to target only the protein of interest, a highly specific antibody is critical for the success of the CUT&Tag assay. All Diagenode ChIP-seq grade antibodies are validated for specificity using strict validation criteria to assure high performance in CUT&Tag.
RNA-targeting CRISPR antibodiesDiagenodeThe latest tool for CRISPR gene editing is a new CRISPR-C2C2 (Cas13a) system which utilizes RNA-guided RNA-targeting for RNA knockdown and binding in cells. C2C2 (Cas13a) may be useful for isolating specific RNA sequences or even studying single RNA molecules with high specificity. Unlike editing DNA as with Cas9 which makes permanent genomic changes, targeting RNA with C2C2 allows temporarily altering the amount of protein potentially offering a better therapeutic approach in the future.
S. pyogenes CRISPR/Cas9 antibodiesDiagenodeDiagenode offers the broad range of antibodies raised against the N- or C-terminus of the Cas9 nuclease from Streptococcus pyogenes. These highly specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies are validated in Western blot, immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence and in chromatin immunoprecipitation.
Sistema OxythermHansatechO Oxytherm foi projetada para fornecer controle através do PC, da absorção de oxigênio ou das medições da evolução em uma ampla gama de aplicações de respiração mitocondrial e celular , e de medições de suspensões de cloroplastos isolado na pesquisa de fotossíntese.
Incubadora INCUCELLMMMA linha de estufas Incucell, é adequada a um tratamento seguro de culturas microbiológicas. Não produz ruido e fornece um fluxo de ar suave dentro da camara. Especialmente utilizada em laboratórios biológicos e microbiológicos, testes de qualidade na indústria farmacêutica, cosmética, veterinária e alimentar.
Fermentador/bioreator OneSolaris Biotech SolutionsA plataforma ONE é o sistema inicial da Solaris., para a indústria biofarmacêutica. Possui vários tamanhos e desenhos de vasos autoclaváveis, com uma capacidade de 2 a 10L. É um sistema 100% configurável, com componentes de elevada qualidade a um preço competitivo.
Real Time PCRAZURE BiosystemsThe Azure Cielo Real-Time PCR system brings you the accuracy and sensitivity you need for your research, with intuitive touch screen software. The Cielo 3 and the Cielo 6 allow you the flexibility to select a system that fits both your applications and your budget.
chemagic™ 360RevvityThe genomic analysis of large numbers of samples requires a reliable system for the automated isolation of DNA and RNA. With dimensions of only 80 x 80 cm and its unique sample volume flexibility, the chemagic™ 360 is an innovative instrument that can be adapted to fit almost all of your nucleic acid purification needs. By using chemagen's well-established M-PVA Magnetic Bead technology, the chemagic™ 360 provides high yields of ultra-pure nucleic acids suitable for a wide range of downstream applications such as NGS, MLPA, genotyping, and PCR.
DNA 1K Reagent KitRevvityLabChip® DNA assays are microfluidic assays that provide fast and easy characterization of DNA samples for quantification and sizing analysis. This kit should be used in conjunction with a LabChip GX Touch instrument, and is used for DNA ranging from 25 -1000 basepairs in size.
DNA 5K Reagent KitRevvityLabChip® DNA assays are microfluidic assays that provide fast and easy characterization of DNA samples for quantification and sizing analysis. This kit should be used in conjunction with a LabChip GX Touch instrument, and is used for DNA ranging from 100-5,000 basepairs in size.
DNA 12K reagent KitRevvityDNA Reagent for the DNA 12K LabChip kit. Contains enough reagent for 2000 wells. The DNA 12K LabChip kit for use on the LabChip® GX and LabChip GX Touch systems provides a fast and easy way to analyze a DNA samples ranging from 100 to 12,000 base pairs, which is an extended size range relative to the companion assays in the Revvity portfolio.
DNA High Sensitivity Reagent KitRevvityThe LabChip DNA High Sensitivity Reagent kit can be used on either version of the LabChip® GX Touch™ Nucleic Acid Analyzer. Genomic analysis of samples is performed with either LabChip consumable CLS138948 (LabChip GX Touch 24 system) or 760517 (LabChip GX Touch HT system) and delivers accurate, reproducible results rapidly.
RNA Pico Assay Reagent KitRevvityThe Revvity LabChip RNA Pico Sensitivity Assay provides a fast and high throughput means for RNA quality assessment with RNA quality score (RQS). The detection RNA concentration is as low as 250 pg/µL. Contains enough reagent for 500 samples. RNA Chip sold separately.
IVIS Lumina S5 Imaging SystemRevvityThe IVIS® Lumina™ S5 high-throughput 2D optical imaging system combines high-sensitivity bioluminescence and fluorescence in a benchtop format. With an expanded 5 mouse field of view for 2D optical imaging plus our unique line of accessories to accelerate setup and labeling, it has never been easier or faster to get robust data—and answers—on anatomical and molecular aspects of disease.
IVIS Lumina X5 Imaging SystemRevvityThe IVIS® Lumina™ X5 high-throughput 2D optical imaging system combines high-sensitivity bioluminescence and fluorescence with high-resolution x-ray into a compact system that fits on your benchtop. With an expanded 5 mouse field of view for 2D optical imaging plus our unique line of accessories to accelerate setup and labeling, it has never been easier or faster to get robust data—and answers—on anatomical and molecular aspects of disease.
IVIS Lumina XRMS In Vivo Imaging SystemRevvityIndustry leading Fluorescence, Bioluminescence and X-Ray Imaging - All-In-One benchtop instrument! The IVIS® Lumina XRMS (x-ray multi-species optical imaging system) adds to the versatility of the IVIS Lumina XR by offering the flexibility to image large animals up to 500 grams with precise optical and X-Ray overlay.
IVIS Spectrum In Vivo Imaging SystemRevvityThe IVIS® Spectrum in vivo imaging system combines 2D optical and 3D optical tomography in one platform. The system uses leading optical technology for preclinical imaging research and development ideal for non-invasive longitudinal monitoring of disease progression, cell trafficking and gene expression patterns in living animals.
IVIS SpectrumCT in Vivo Imaging SystemRevvityThe IVIS® SpectumCT preclinical in vivo imaging system expands upon the versatility of the IVIS Spectrum by offering 2D and 3D imaging capabilities but includes integrated low-dose microCT ideal for longitudinal studies. The system provides researchers with greater insights into complex biological systems by enabling simultaneous molecular and anatomical non-invasive imaging in animal models.
Quantum GX2 microCT Imaging SystemRevvityImage beyond bone – into oncology, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, and much more, with the Quantum GX2 microCT imaging system. With the Quantum GX2, flexibility is key. Combining the ability to perform high speed, low dose scans, ideal for longitudinal studies, across multiple species (mice, rats, rabbits) with high resolution ex vivo scanning, the Quantum GX2 microCT imaging system offers the flexibility and performance you need to not just image, but further understand your disease models.
XenoLight D-Luciferin - K+ Salt Bioluminescent SubstrateRevvityLuciferin is essential in performing your bioluminescent assays, and the quality of your research will depend on the quality of your luciferin. Whether used to perform in vitro assays, or to monitor light production in vivo, PerkinElmer’s high quality luciferin is available at an affordable price.
EnVision 2105 Multimode Plate ReaderRevvityThe EnVision® 2105 multimode plate reader provides exceptional speed, ultra-high throughput, and maximum sensitivity across all detection technologies. Tried and tested, the EnVision microplate reader gives you robust performance and reliable data for high throughput screening, time after time. The EnVision 2105 model delivers even higher sensitivity for time-resolved fluorescence (TRF) applications, and the Enhanced Security software option includes tools to facilitate 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.
EnSight Multimode Plate ReaderRevvityThe EnSight™ multimode plate reader offers HTS Alpha, Ultra-sensitive Luminescence and fast well-imaging technologies alongside conventional multimode detection technologies. Imaging & online data analysis is fast: a 384-well plate can be imaged in less than 5 mins. The system’s modular design, combined with workflow-based Kaleido™ data acquisition & analysis software, gives a truly versatile plate reader that gets users productive quickly.
CATS DNA-seq Kit v1.0DiagenodeDiagenode’s [beta] DNA library preparation utilizes the innovative “Capture and Amplification by Tailing and Switching” (CATS), a ligation-free method to produce DNA libraries for next generation sequencing from low input amounts of single stranded DNA. CATS relies on polynucleotide tailing for capturing the 3’-ends of nucleic acids and the template switching on the 5’- ends. The Diagenode kits generate ready-to-sequence libraries from DNA inputs as low as few picograms in just few hours. The CATS method also allows for accurate identification of circulating cell-free DNA or degraded DNA.
Auto Premium Bisulfite kitDiagenodeDiagenode's Premium Bisulfite Kit rapidly converts DNA through bisulfite treatment. Our conversion reagent is added directly to DNA, requires no intermediate steps, and results in high yields of DNA ready for downstream analysis methods including PCR and Next-Generation Sequencing.
Chip-Seq iDeal Library Preparation Kit x24 (incl. Index Primer Set 1)DiagenodeThe iDeal Library Preparation Kit reliably converts DNA into indexed libraries for next-generation sequencing, with input amounts down to 5 ng. Our kit offers a simple and fast workflow, high yields, and ready-to-sequence DNA on the Illumina platform.
ChIPmentation Kit for HistonesDiagenodeDifficult and challenging histone ChIP-seq is now solved. Diagenode’s latest technology for histone ChIP-seq, ChIPmentation is a ligation-free, tagmentation-based protocol that incorporates chromatin immunoprecipitation with NGS library preparation. Using histone ChIPmentation, you can avoid the multi-step ligation required for traditional histone ChIP-seq. ChIPmentation enables an easier protocol, faster time to results, and excellent reproducibility for histone ChIP-seq from challenging and low input samples.
MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit v2DiagenodeThe MicroPlex Library Preparation™ kit is the only kit on the market which is validated for ChIP-seq and which allows the preparation of indexed libraries from just picogram inputs. In combination with the True MicroChIP kit, it allows for performing ChIP-seq on as few as 10,000 cells. Less input, fewer steps, fewer supplies, faster time to results!
MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit v3DiagenodeDiagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq samples and are optimized to generate DNA libraries with high molecular complexity from the lowest input amounts – down to 50 pg. The kit MicroPlex v3 includes all buffers and enzymes necessary for the library preparation. For flexibility of the choice different formats of compatible dual indexes are available separately.
Premium Bisulfite kitDiagenodeDiagenode's Premium Bisulfite Kit rapidly converts DNA through bisulfite treatment. Our conversion reagent is added directly to DNA, requires no intermediate steps, and results in high yields of DNA ready for downstream analysis methods including PCR and Next-Generation Sequencing.
Premium Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) KitDiagenodeReduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing provides a powerful method to efficiently analyze DNA methylation at the single nucleotide level without the higher costs associated with whole genome bisulfite sequencing. By cutting the genome using the restriction MspI enzyme (CCGG target sites) followed by size selection, DNA is enriched to represent CpG-rich regions (including CpG islands), in which DNA methylation marks are typically found. Thus, RRBS provides a cost-effective method for analyzing DNA methylation by reducing the part of the genome that actually needs to be sequenced and focusing on relevant CpG islands.
Premium Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS) kitDiagenodeThe Premium Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS) Kit is designed to prepare single and paired-end bisulfite converted DNA libraries for sequencing using Illumina® platforms. It has also been validated for bisulfite-converted library preparation from ChIP-derived samples in order to perform ChIP-Bis-Sequencing. This kit contains specially designed enzymes and buffers needed for genome-wide bisulfite sequencing allowing for studying DNA methylation sites and their role in gene regulation.
TAG kit for ChIPmentationDiagenodeThe TAG Kit for ChIPmentation offers an optimized ChIP-seq library preparation solution based on tagmentation. This kit includes reagents for tagmentation-based library preparation integrated in the IP and is compatible with any ChIP protocol based on magnetic beads. The primer indexes for multiplexing must be purchased separately and are available as a reference: 24 SI for ChIPmentation
CATS mRNA-seq Kit (with polyA selection) v2DiagenodeDiagenode’s CATS mRNA-seq Kit (with polyA selection) utilizes the innovative “Capture and Amplification by Tailing and Switching” (CATS), a ligation-free method to produce DNA libraries for next generation sequencing from low input amounts of RNA. The poly (A) + RNA module in this kit is designed for the isolation of poly (A) + RNA transcripts from total RNA for RNA library preparation and sequencing.
CATS Total RNA-seq Kit (with rRNA depletion) v2DiagenodeDiagenode’s CATS total RNA-seq Kit (with rRNA depletion) utilizes the innovative “Capture and Amplification by Tailing and Switching” (CATS), a ligation-free method to produce DNA libraries for next generation sequencing from low input amounts of RNA.
D-Plex Small RNA-Seq Library Prep KitDiagenodeNew D-Plex technology utilizes the innovative capture and amplification by tailing and switching combined with UMIs, a unique ligation-free method to produce DNA libraries for NGS from low input amounts of RNA. This solution allows you to go down to 10 pg enriched small RNA or 100 pg total RNA! There is no comparable solution on the market.
Bioruptor®DiagenodeThe Diagenode Bioruptor is a state-of-the-art sonication system, cited in more than 4,000 publications. The Bioruptor can simultaneously process up to 16 samples with tube flexibility from 0.1 ml to 50 ml to accurately achieve random and unbiased shearing for different fragment ranges. The closed tube format prevents sample cross-contamination, allowing unmatched reproducibility. Using a highly-controlled ultrasonic energy with ACT (Adaptive Cavitation Technology), a non-contact, parallel-processing and isothermal technology, the Bioruptor is ideal for chromatin shearing for chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), genomic DNA shearing for next generation sequencing, RNA shearing, cell and tissue disruption, and much more.
IP-Star® CompactDiagenodeDiagenode offers a variety of end-to-end systems to streamline DNA methylation and chromatin immunoprecipitation workflows. Diagenode’s IP-Star® Compact is a simple, automated bench-top instrument that standardizes different epigenetics applications (i.e. ChIP, MeDIP or NGS Library preparation) and library preparation. The platform offers full workflow support for epigenetics research, utilizing our complete kits and laboratory-validated protocols to rapidly deliver high-quality and consistent data.
Megaruptor®DiagenodeSequencing technologies have revolutionized genomics and biology researches. Long read sequencing enables researchers to access a more comprehensive view of genomes with higher accuracy. However, one of the most critical aspects of optimal library preparation is the quality of the DNA to be sequenced. The DNA must first be effectively and consistently sheared into the appropriate fragment size. The Megaruptor gives state-of-art shearing performance providing optimal long-read sequencing using PacBio® and Oxford NanoporeTMtechnologies.
One®DiagenodeThe Diagenode One is the new desktop solution that provides optimal DNA shearing for Next-Generation-Sequencing and Chromatin shearing for ChIP analysis with small samples. Designed to fit any bench, it is the smallest and lightest Diagenode shearing device. The fully integrated cooling system and the all-new 20 and 50 µl microfluidic chips have been enhanced to deliver the highest performance.
Akoya’s CODEX® SystemAkoya BiosciencesAkoya’s CODEX System is a fluidics control instrument that integrates with existing fluorescent microscopes for the synchronization of the CODEX Assay and image collection. As part of a sample-to-answer solution, the CODEX System converts a standard fluorescent microscope into an automated high-dimensional imaging system capable of providing in situ analysis at cellular and subcellular scales.
CODEX Antibodies for Human FFPE tissuesAkoya BiosciencesCODEX Antibodies are provided individually and can be mixed and matched to design panels for the simultaneous analysis of up to 50 biomarkers. Akoya provides fully validated CODEX Antibodies and a list of supplemental antibodies that have undergone varying levels of testing.
CODEX Antibodies for Human Fresh Frozen tissuesAkoya BiosciencesCODEX Antibodies are provided individually and can be mixed and matched to design panels for the simultaneous analysis of up to 50 biomarkers. Akoya provides fully validated CODEX Antibodies and a list of supplemental antibodies that have undergone varying levels of testing.
CODEX Antibodies for Mouse Fresh Frozen tissuesAkoya BiosciencesCODEX Antibodies are provided individually and can be mixed and matched to design panels for the simultaneous analysis of up to 50 biomarkers. Akoya provides fully validated CODEX Antibodies and a list of supplemental antibodies that have undergone varying levels of testing.
CODEX® Data VisualizationAkoya BiosciencesComprehensive, robust solution encompassing image navigation, cell segmentation and biomarker quantification for sophisticated algorithmic clustering of cellular phenotypes. The intuitive interface enables spatial overlay for the easy interpretation of tissue substructures such as tumor and stromal boundaries.
Single-Cell, Spatial AnalysisAkoya BiosciencesThe CODEX® technology combines the advantages of single-cell biology with histology at single-cell spatial resolution. Capable of imaging 40+ biomarkers on a single tissue, CODEX enables analysis with both high dimensionality and spatial context.
Vmax™ X2 cellsTelesis BioVmax™ X2 cells are derived from one of the fastest growing organisms on earth: the gram-negative, non-pathogenic marine bacterium, Vibrio natriegens. Vmax™ X2 cells double two times faster than E. coli and generate significantly greater amounts of biomass and protein per volume of cells. Simply stated, Vmax™ X2 cells result in much larger amounts of soluble protein, much faster.
Cellometer Auto 2000 Cell Viability CounterRevvityThe Cellometer® Auto 2000 integrated touchscreen, dual-fluorescence cell counter is optimized for analysis of primary cells from peripheral blood, cord blood, bone marrow, and other complex samples. The counter features preconfigured one-touch assays for a variety of samples.
Cellometer K2 Fluorescent Cell CounterRevvityThe Cellometer® K2 fluorescent cell counter is an advanced, dual-fluorescence cell counter with built-in assays and cell types for the analysis of hepatocytes, stem cells, splenocytes, tumor suspension, and other complex primary cells. A 21 CFR Part 11 module is available.
Azure Aqua Quad Mini-CellAZURE BiosystemsDesigned for running 1–4 precast or handcast gels (cassette size 10cm x 8cm) for electrophoresis. The locking side fasteners provide a tight seal that ensure rapid and easy electrophoresis. The unit comes equipped with 4 gel casting stands and casting frames, perfect for handcasting your own gels.
Azure Aqua Transfer CellAZURE BiosystemsThe Azure Aqua Transfer Cell is used for transferring two mini gels to membranes for Western blotting experiments (wet transfer). The transfer cassettes and electrode core are colored for directionality which makes transferring easy and straightforward
EnVision Nexus Multimode Microplate ReaderRevvityThe EnVision® Nexus™ is the next generation of superior detection. It operates on a brand-new innovative platform that fast tracks your research, delivering the speed and accuracy you need for your most demanding applications. The EnVision Nexus multimode plate reader continues to deliver optimal results from our Alpha, HTRF®, LANCE®, and DELFIA® assay technologies.
Human Exome 2.0 Plus Comprehensive Exome Spike-inTwist bioscienceTwist Exome 2.0 is designed to detect rare and inherited diseases, as well as germline cancers. This panel’s high uniformity and low off-target rate deliver best-in-class sequencing efficiency, enabling quality data to be collected with less sequencing.